Friday, May 22, 2020

Small Victories

22 May 2020

6:26 p.m. sitting out on the back porch.  Mostly clear and mostly blue the sky is above me; the sun has returned.  Old Sol had been here early and then it got overcast and misty. Right now, is close to the perfect evening. 

Relaxing here I am listening to a song that is unusually straight forward for the artist involved.  The link is below.  Per the title the work has some kind of Portuguese connotation or inspiration. Nice track but the rest of the album is out there. Still, this one track is something of wonder, warm and rich, a perfect accompaniment to a golden evening.

Got a bunch of things done today. Finished the backyard mulching.  Mowed the yard.  Cleaned up the deck, the porch and the backyard pathway. Small victories.  I celebrate them. In this period of isolation nurturing growth in the yard and making things aesthetically pleasing may be the highest and best we can do.

Tomorrow we are going on a socially distanced picnic with friends.  I assume they will sit at one table and we will be at another. Francie has made some cheesesteak sub rolls.  And baked beans. And a pineapple upside down cake.  I think we are ready for a picnic.

Wishing you all a happy Memorial Day. Be happy. Be Safe.

[The photo above is an image of the flooding on Michigan State University’s campus this week.]

And a second link just for the heck of it.

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