Sunday, May 3, 2020

Random Saturday Thoughts

2 May 2020

Eight days ago, that is one week and one day ago, it was snowing.  Today the temperature at noon was 70 F.  Michigan is a place of rapid changes to the season.  Brilliant flowers out all over the place.  Song birds are everywhere screaming, “Let’s get it on,” to potential avian mates.  Seems like every driveway in East Lansing is filled with a minimum of three yards of mulch. The Todd’s only got 2 ½ yards of natural colored pine mulch.

Michigan is still under restrictions as to what can occur.  Landscaping was permitted to reopen and you can see trucks with rakes, leaf blowers and mowers pulling up in front of houses throughout the neighborhoods. I haven’t been paying the closest of attention but I think construction will be allowed to restart in the coming week. Doesn’t really matter for me because until there is adequate testing and/or a vaccine or effective treatments I am not rejoining society. 

Me, I don’t feel my rights are being impinged upon.  I think society has an obligation to protect its weaker members, a group that with respect to Coviid 19 I am a member of. I really don’t get why engaging in open carry of long guns in the state Capitol building is relevant to the emergency orders of the governor. 

Today would have been Derby Day.  For many years I went to the Derby and there are stories to be told. On Derby Day 1985 I was married in Daytona Beach. We got married right at race time.  Someone taped the Derby so we could watch it later.  The wedding was a hoot.  Top hats were worn. There are probably as many stories about the wedding week as there are of Derby weeks. 

The lawn got mowed yesterday.  The weeds along the sidewalk got wacked yesterday.  I think today is a prime day to simply relax and remember.  

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