Friday, April 24, 2020


24 April 2020

Got up this morning and made the family breakfast.  Me and Mrs. Butterworth created chocolate chip-pecan waffles.  I also brewed coffee and made some espresso.  Today I had a waffle, not my normal choice.  I am more of a Wheat Chex kind of guy.  Once all the food was dispensed, I decided to get part of my walk in for the day.

You can see from the photos above I walked for 30+ minutes and covered a mile and 3/4ths. My pace was in excess of three miles an hour.  Not bad for an old geezer.  

As I walked the temperature was not very warm, a mere 38 degrees.  But there was no wind and there was no rain.  I saw three other people out while I was on walkies.  Everyone moved to the other side of the street and we kept our social distance.  The closest I came to another human being was 25 feet.  

Delightfully I noticed one thing on this walk. All the grass has greened up.  I mean with the recent rains the color of the slender spears pushing up toward the sky are a lush bright green. Bright new green is a color meaning spring is close by.  April and every early May might throw one more snow at us, but if it comes it won’t last now.

If during this period of social isolation, you have not actually left the house, I urge you do so.  There is real benefit to exercise, even the simple exercise of walking. When I finish a walk I find my mind sharper and I find my mood elevated. You don’t have to keep the pace I do, you can go slower or faster, I don’t care. The issue is that we have to take care of ourselves during this time. If you don’t have a health issue that bars and if the weather is not too ugly today, get out and go.

Walking, try and make it a habit.  I have and I feel so much better for those moments I am out and about.

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