Thursday, April 23, 2020

And the Depression Seeps In

23 April 2020

During the day yesterday I felt out of sorts.  I know where it came from. The trigger was something that seems like it should not have mattered, but it did.  Yesterday was Wednesday 22 April 2020.  Every instance where I was asked to come up with the day and date, I kept thinking it was Tuesday. Either I would correct myself or one of the three people I am sharing social isolation would do it. I got angry with myself for not remember the day and date.  Anger led to a blue feeling. The blue feeling took me to that questionable place of asking myself how long I can go on like this?

I think what really got to me was how unproductive large amounts of this “distanced” time is.  Of course, the repetition of daily events played a factor but it was the overall waste of that precious commodity time. You can only rearrange the cupboards and the garage so many times.  On days when it is snowing there is limited opportunity for exercise in that my primary exercise is walking.  Without the buzz of endorphins from walking the mind gets mired down in the minutiae.  Tough slogging through paperwork and then boredom while I am folding laundry both take their toll.

By the time I settled in to bed with my e-book I was feeling better. Still, it just goes to show that this enforced moment of isolation is tough and getting tougher. I think it is important that we vary what we do each day.  I think it is important that we use social media and the telephone to stay connected to other people. Reading things unrelated to the coronavirus helps as does listening to new music. What is happening is grinding on all of us.  But we have tools if we use them to stay sane.

As always here is a bit of pop music to bring a little cheer into your day.  The link is an all-time favorite that matches well with the thought of serendipitous joy.  Breath, walk, talk and live.  Peace my friends.

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