Friday, April 17, 2020

How Do We Get Out of This Mess the Pandemic has Caused?

17 April 2020

Printed over the past several days are a number of articles talking about how we unwind the social and economic knots the pandemic has caused. I have read a number of them.  Hey, I have got time you know. Not one article sees a return to what used to be the normal. Each plan has biases of course, but the majority of articles assume a return much different world we are accustomed to. Repeated again and again in each of the articles are that people in my age group, age 60+, may well have to stay isolated until a vaccine is finished. This could be a period of up to a year. House arrest for a year, not how I expected to spend retirement. Geesh.

I don’t have an answer as to how we get back up and running.  My guess is that informed estimates will be made as to the risk of returning certain age groups to work and also as to which areas have adequate medical support for their populations should the pandemic reemerge with the return to work. Based on such factors various regions will get up and running at different times. Social distancing, face mask use and almost OCD handwashing with be the new etiquette. The world is going to look very different.  And what will mass transit look like in this new world?  Anybody who has been on an airplane or subway in recent years knows social distancing is definitely not the norm.  To quote Jimmie Dale Gilmore, “It’s a Braver Newer World You’ve Found.”

We shall see, won’t we?

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