Monday, April 13, 2020

Stormy Monday

13 April 2020

Day whatever of the plague.  I haven’t written in a few days.  Mostly my lack of output is because my shoulder is bugging me.  I can sleep on it, and I can walk with it.  But bending over it hurts.  One cannot type without some bent posture. Thus, typing up a journal entry is problematic. Unless this gets much, much worse I am not going close to any heath care facility. The trade off between being exposed to the virus versus getting some pain comfort is one I am not willing to make.

Even isolated life keeps happening and time keeps passing. The weekend involved another trip to pick up groceries at a time I would normally be in Church. Easter happened.  A wind storm happened, or rather should I say, is still happening. Outside the manifestations of time that the calendar imposes, i.e., Easter or those given by a unique spate of weather or budding flowers, I am not really finding a demarcation between one day and the next. 

Each morning I try to force myself to at least immerse myself in news and commentary.  Mostly when I start diving in my mind fogs up and my eyes glaze over.  Lacking someone coming up with a vaccine, I don’t see life changing for me for quite some time.  When I watch Trump, and his behavior’s I just end up shaking my head. I won’t dwell at length on this. Trump and his ilk are the reason scientists are such lonesome people

I have shifted from typing to dictating this on my phone. Just really can’t sit in the hunched over position very long. Outside the wind is kicking up more and more. l am prone on the bed next to the cat and I will occasionally scratch her ears. When a strong gust of wind blows for three or four or five seconds, she raises her head up, looks at the open window and chirps. The heating pad is toasting my right shoulder. Heat feels good.

Rolling Stone published an article entitled the last days of John Prine. A friend of mine posted the link on his Facebook feed, very nice piece. For those of us who followed Prine's career throughout the years, the fact that his last album was such a success is gratifying. Pretty much everybody I know has a favorite John Prine song and a story that explains why it’s their favorite song.

Oh well, I am done with writing for the day.  I heard the following lyric in a Dar Williams song, “Does my life have a destiny or just a destination?” Good question. With that in mind it is time to head off to Hazel's House.

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