Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dusty Brown Seed Pods

23 August 2020. Humid at 8:15 AM, Clear Skies and 2.5 Mile Walk Completed

Sitting on the back-porch with a fan blowing.  Hopefully the mechanical breeze will dry the perspiration from my quick wash/quick dry travel t-shirt.  Bought a bunch of these in anticipation of travel this year. Hah.

The sun has been up for about an hour.  I walked commencing just before the orb arose. Over a period of forty plus minutes I did not see another human out.  One growling dog made me aware of its presence. Teeth, snarl and an invisible fence, still I made my way to the other side of the street.

My walk took me past the tiny wetland I like to pass so much.  Over the past few months I have watched the flora change from petite blossoms to seed laden pods.  Each phase has a different kind of beauty.  The cycle is a thing to behold. The sun is setting far earlier and rising much later these days.

The seed pods’ presence say summer is near an end. Hard to believe we are this close to the conclusion of the season. Due to the pandemic life has been reduced to its essence, something just above survival mode.  Wash clothing. Wash dishes. Make meals.  Work in the garden. Sort stuff into things to save and things to jettison. Read the paper.  Post on Facebook.  At. Exercise. Order stuff from Amazon. Watch Netflix.  All in all, life has become quite encapsulated. 

Oh, and there is the daily health monitoring.  Each day I check my oxygen level, my pulse, my BP and my temperature.  So far all have been well within normal boundaries. Living in a pandemic is a different experience. 

Every single day I am checking on flights to Lisbon.  I am trying to make guesses as to when we Americans we be able to travel freely again, to when we are not international pariahs.  I am also trying to make a guess as to what life will be like when we travel next. Not an easy task 5 full months into the pandemic. Someday, somehow, it will get better.

Late summer makes me think of Tom Rush songs.  Thus, I will close with a favorite.  It is an instrumental. 

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