Saturday, June 13, 2020

Cleansing Moment

13 June 2020

Cool morning.  Looking at the weather the temperature here at almost 10 a.m. is 54 degrees F. Little cool.  When I started my walk, it was 48.  Mid-June and I can see freezing from here. The sun is out and it is marvelous.  2.5 miles at a at 3.5 mph clip took me past the joys of spring in bloom.

On mornings when I cannot handle the battles that must be addressed, the need to really put racism in the past, the need to defeat Covid 19 and the political fray for the White House, I can always find a single flower to focus my attention on.  This morning the flower was a delicate shade of pink. The bloom was fragile and wispy.  Amazing isn’t it that nature in its infinite way can create delicate and fragile life? On the other hand, it gave the world us, humanity. Right now, that is not looking like nature is taking a W for that one.  

I believe in meditation in the sense that it frees one’s mind from the chains of the day to day.  Taking a walk, observing a flower in detail, breathing in a rhythmic way, all of these can clear the mind and let us look at the day anew.  Take a moment each day to clear your thoughts with beauty and peace.  Then tackle the things you can.  

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