Thursday, June 4, 2020

A Time for Reflection and Then for Action

4 June 2020

And some moments require that you just turn it all off. Your soul needs a respite.  You mind needs to tug at other ideas, things that exist in a space far removed from racial and class hatred, away from demagoguery, and apart from the unending breathless commentary of talking heads analyzing statements made by other talking heads.  On this one fine morning you need to simply let the sun’s gorgeous light flowing in from the east fill your backyard and your mind.

On some fine mornings you have to sit back and think about things like when are you going to get that painting done and should you mow the lawn later.  These are mundane day to day things, but if you carry them out with due preparation and diligence, they are a prayer, they are a meditation on some of the values of your life.  On this one fine day you need to step away from the voices that spew hate and division for at least the cycle that runs from sunup to sundown. Your soul needs a time to heal.

Later, when you feel restored, you can take in, and then take on, the sorry state of the world. When you are refreshed you can speak out against the many problems involving hatred and autocracy that surround the American life. Silence for a moment does not mean you are not engaged.  But we all need to rest from time to time. In the course of a day racism will not disappear.  In the course of day hate speech will not be reined in. But in the course of day your soul can heal and be refreshed for the fight ahead.

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