Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Songs for a Sunny Morning, No Hard Feelings

Morning came again. Sunlight acclaimed its new arrival. I ignored morning for a time but it insisted I rise. In the kitchen coffee was prepared with shuffling and grumbling. Breakfast was prepared and set out. My bleary eyes saw tacos filled with steak, eggs and cheese. Over breakfast I firmed up my plans for this day and tomorrow. A long walk is on the agendafor me and she will meet her friends. Later there will be a trip to a mega store but that could be today or that could be tomorrow. Then there will be my family travel agent duties so time will be spent on the computer.

When I awoke I had two songs in my head by the Avett Brothers. The first was “And I Love You”. The second was “Murder in the City”. There is no reason on this green and blue orb why I should have the Avett brothers music running through my head at this hour on this day in this place. But there it was. I shuffled to my computer desk. As I listened to the two songs on my laptop, they led me down the rabbit hole of the brothers' music. Goodness I had forgotten about “No Hard Feelings”. The genre of this song is country/folk. It is not political but it resonates today. It really does.

As a result of my trip down the rabbit hole I decided to share these songs to brighten your mornings. Give all of them a listen. This is some outstanding stuff folks. It is a diversion from so much we need to be diverted from. Note that in the video for “And I Love You”, they drive a Ford Galaxie 500 circa 1964. Oh, that was my childhood ride. I remember sitting on that back vinyl bench seat. I can see the waffle patterns on the back of my calves on a hot day. I can also hear the schlooping sound as I pulled my legs off that hot vinyl as I got up to leave the car.

Just to tempt you to listen to “No Hard Feelings,” here are the lyrics. Even without music this is a damn fine poem for my friends of a certain age.


When my body won't hold me anymore
And it finally lets me free
Will I be ready?

When my feet won't walk another mile
And my lips give their last kiss goodbye
Will my hands be steady when I lay down my fears, my hopes, and my doubts?
The rings on my fingers, and the keys to my house
With no hard feelings


When the sun hangs low in the west
And the light in my chest won't be kept held at bay any longer
When the jealousy fades away
And it's ash and dust for cash and lust
And it's just hallelujah
And love in thought, love in the words
Love in the songs they sing in the church
And no hard feelings


Lord knows, they haven't done much good for anyone
Kept me afraid and cold
With so much to have and hold
Mmm, hmm


When my body won't hold me anymore
And it finally lets me free
Where will I go?
Will the trade winds take me south through Georgia grain?
Or tropical rain?
Or snow from the heavens?

Will I join with the ocean blue?
Or run into a savior true?
And shake hands laughing
And walk through the night, straight to the light
Holding the love I've known in my life
And no hard feelings


Lord knows, they haven't done much good for anyone
Kept me afraid and cold
With so much to have and hold

Under the curving sky
I'm finally learning why
It matters for me and you
To say it and mean it too
For life and its loveliness
And all of its ugliness
Good as it's been to me

I have no enemies

I have no enemies
I have no enemies
I have no enemies




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