Saturday, August 31, 2024

I Need a Brot, Some Beer and Whatever the Hell They are Calling It Now-Yacht Rock Maybe?

Sitting at the Saldanha bus stop in my shorts I look both stupid and American. Shifting on the metal bench I cross and uncross my legs. Mind you I am not cold. But this is Portugal and the air temperature is 22 C or 72 F. At this temperature mature men like myself in Portugal do not wear shorts. The wearing of long pants is not a law, but it's close. Sitting here Iam an awkward thing, a crime against social norms. And I am getting raised eyebrows by the short men walking past men on their way to offices or construction sites.

I am amused by and at the same time self-consciousness as I catch their curious glances. Part of me wants to stand up and explain my fashion choice, while another part wants to fade away back into the bus stop. So it goes.

Heading out at 0930, I arrived at this bus stop to find it empty. The lack of other passengers is a surprise. I mean I am the only person waiting for the bright yellow Carris bus #738, a normally popular bus that will take me down to the Tejo River in relatively short order. The sun keeps trying to peek through on this overcast morning but so far it has not succeeded.

When the bus arrives, I board and find only four passengers including myself seated
for this run. Chucking to myself I am thinking that if I were getting on a bus in the USA today the ridership would be very similar but for different reasons. Here in Lisboa I am boarding the 738 after rush hour and people trying to get in on time have already come and departed.In the US it is Friday before the last holiday of summer and if people haven’t left for a four-day holiday yet, they will be departing this morning. Portugal like most of Europe celebrates May Day but not Labor Day. This is just a Friday, not a holiday Friday.

No matter what the weather is like summer is over in the US as of Tuesday. Kids will be back in school and adults will be back at work. Crane operators and lawyers will be in place where they belong raising I-beams or objections. There is no similar demarcation here at this point save maybe for the paucity of North American tourists especially college age ones.

Oh how I remember Labor Day weekend. Here is an old piece I wrote about it. It is about five years old.


How I wish I was in Ocean City this holiday weekend. Labor Day would be hot and steamy. The boardwalk would be crowded with people jostling each other as they walked whatever distance they chose. This could be it from 12th Street to 4th Street or from 7th Street to 10th St. The smells of Johnson’s popcorn, Mack and Manco’s pizza and the boardwalk creosote would mingle all together as they strolled.

And there I would be behind a shiny aluminum counter. Wearing a T-shirt that said Zap, I would dispense Coca-Cola or soft serve ice cream, or hot J & J pretzels or frozen novelty treats. All day until about 430, business was steady. Large twin twist chocolate ice cream cones would be dispensed covered with nuts and sprinkles to begging seven-year-olds.

Come 430 the summer will be over. Summer rentals on those cottages expired. From pots and pans to bathing suits and pillowcases, cars were packed. Dads in sweaty short sleeve brown shirts would pilot their big assed Chevrolet back up to Upper Darby and points west. As the evening wore on the foot traffic thinned out on the boards. Kurly Kustard would close early because Ocean City would be a ghost town by 9 pm.

With very few people stopping by, I could clean up and close the store. Between emptying out the salt tray beneath the pretzel baking machine, tearing down the soft serve units and sanitizing them, I would look out at the Atlantic. The mighty Atlantic was so impressive even when it was calm.

There was nothing better than the salt air. My favorite thing to do was lie in the sun reading cheap paperback copies of classic literature. My heart was full of lust when I saw the girls in their skimpy bathing suits. I so loved the humidity that turned a feather pillow into a rock over three months. Kind of liked the beer at Somers Point late at night, too.

The summer of youth is fast disappearing. I would advise the young to do what I would do if I were young again. Drink some beer, read some Shakespeare, get to know a romantic companion, smoke some weed, and watch the sun go down over the water. Feel the warmth of the day and then let it fade away as night comes on.

Oh yeah and I miss the end of summer countdown on WMMR.  I mean they played the Clash and broadcast the Dead's Englishtown concert.


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