Sunday, April 16, 2023

Plague Poem

Faded grey light remains

Above faded and worn buildings

Standing silent in a city turbulent with renewal and change


One by one apartment lights blink on.


A sunny Sunday has now passed into twilight

At peak afternoon heat

Streets stood empty; sidewalks stayed clear.

Seems everyone ran down to the water’s edge.

Trams were packed as people rushed to feel 

The cooling breeze at the river, at the ocean on a hot, hot, day.


They crammed together shoulder to shoulder, ignoring reality

This new plague still rattles the elder’s bones, stretches tired sinews

Shakes the afflicted first with cold then burns them with heat from deep inside.


A simple journey carries with it the threat of life changing illness or death

Will the unmasked man three back coughing spread the malady to all about?

Did the person singing along at the concert unknowingly

Breathe malicious microbes on all those within the sound of her voice?


To a mere mortal the truth of transmission is unknowable.


Life is filled with vagaries, and 

Buffeted by cascading systems failing, and is

Never promised, never assured.


Now black of night is what remains

Apartment lights against a black sky are beacons of survival, of hope.

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