Saturday, April 15, 2023

Obliterated by Covid 19

Obliterated, this week was obliterated.  On Sunday night I attended a woman’s concert who closed out her set by singing repeatedly, “I am going to die”.  By mid-Monday evening I was wondering if that musical interlude had been foreshadowing.  I had started retching and then I collapsed. There, laying limp and mostly immobile on the cold tile of my bathroom floor the awareness of just how miserable Covid-19 could be hit me like a freight train.


My symptoms have included violent chills, drenching sweats, palpitations, monster headaches, muscle aches, wracking coughs and the loss of my sense of smell. My sleep pattern was totally shot.  I don’t think I really slept for most of Monday through Wednesday.  I got a few hours in here and there before the chills or sweating would wake me.  Once awakened the headache made sure I did not go back to sleep.  Tylenol and cough suppressant, these were my tools and eventually they did help. I did have some nasal congestion but it never moved into my lungs.


Thank goodness I was fully vaxed and boosted.  Yesterday and today, I have had some “limited” energy.  Coming and wanning in waves those caloric values let me take care of some laundry and dishes.  I have even taken a short walk up and down the block to prove my legs could still carry my far too portly weight.  


Out for a walk I saw the neighborhood streets were closed off.  There is a 15-story mobile crane at work. In Lisboa there is so much construction.  Lots of people in yellow vests, lots of bags with broken bricks inside.  Many, many cranes are standing everywhere. However, most of the cranes you see are ground mounted affairs.  But this one is huge and I am amazed they could get the vehicle through the streets of this city.


Oh well, having hung a load of laundry out to dry and emptied the dishwasher my energy is flagging.  Talk to you all later. 

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