Sunday, March 28, 2021

Bits and Bobs

 28 March 2021 

The Second Shot.  I received my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine on Thursday.  On Friday I felt like I had a mild bug.  Mostly muscle aches and a very little queasiness in my entrails.  On Saturday just body aches.  Today I feel fine.  Oh yeah, my arm did hurt a bunch on Friday night. Again, I now feel fine.  Get the shot!!!! Save lives!!!


The Cat’s Silent War of Aggression.  For the two years we have had Aretha, the 98% Siamese cat, I have been viewed by her as the button to push for breakfast.  Up until today that has been a ritual of getting as close to my ear as possible in the early a.m. and yelling in her loud Siamese whine.  Today that shifted.


Today the claws came out and there was no sound uttered other than my, “Ow, damn it, that hurt.”  My foot was sticking out of the covers as she began swatting at my toesies and running down the hall toward her food dish.  This acceleration in hostility will not go unanswered.  Tonight, my bedroom door will be closed. Take that you monster.


Clear Your Cache.  I was planning for some travel in what I hope will be the aftertimes.  I was looking at an Airbnb for September.  I marked the place with a heart because the location and the price hit my sweet spot and I wanted to show it to Francie.  When I opened up the application to show it to her the price had risen 25%.  At that price point the spot was not that interesting.  When I mentioned this my son told me to clear the cache and try it again.  I did and the price dropped almost back to where it had started. Damn tricky those algorithms and cookies.


Walking.  Yesterday I posted a note about walking.  I did this because I truly believe in the health benefits of walking.  For the past 352 days I have walked at least a half hour a day.  Most days I walk for 45 minutes and cover between 2.4 and 2.5 miles. I can’t tell you how good I feel after this simple exercise because describing it will never capture it.  If your legs are in good enough shape and your general health is at least average, go do it.  


Cat Part Two, or Remember to Wear You Shoes When You Get Up in the Morning.  Good shoes will stop you from having to discover a mouse head and several trailing inches of rodent entrails between your toes.  Take it from experience.  And yes, I washed my feet yesterday after the discovery so no it was not mouse scent that led to the toe whacking today.


Finally.  Today is Palm Sunday in the Christian faith.  Passover is ongoing in the Jewish faith.  Spring is a season of holiness for a wide swath of humanity.  I wish you all holy and blessed moments as the year turns toward the blossoming reinvigoration of life.

Tied to the decision to look for reservations in Portugal's Algarve I found myself singing travel songs. I worked through two different Highway Songs and settled into this John Denver classic. Enjoy.


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