Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Grocery Shopping in the Time of the Plague

11 March 2020
In that I am retired I can usually shop during the day.  Trips to Costco or Sam’s Club are usually very low-key affairs.  On a normal day you can walk through the aisles and encounter few people.  You are usually looking at well stocked shelves. The coronavirus has rendered these not normal days.

Today was clearly different.  The stuff at the back of Costco, bottled water, toilet paper, paper towels were all in low supply. Signs were affixed to the pallets where this stuff was stacked stating a limit of two each per customer.  There were numerous bare spots on the shelves.  

There were no containers of hand sanitizers or Clorox wipes.  There was no tomato soup for God’s sake.  The aisles were clogged.  Instead of two there were five registers open.  Some people had clearly ignored the limit signs because I saw several of those long low carts stacked high with paper goods.

My wife dropped me off and I set about housework.  She went to Sam’s.  When my wife checked out at Sam’s with an order that contained milk, coffee, half and half along with 8 cans of tomato soup the clerk expressed surprise.  She with a bit of a startled voice said, “A normal grocery cart for once.”

What is coming may not be pretty but I don’t think it is the either variant of the apocalypse envisioned respectively by either Mr. King or Ms. Atwood.  I have a signed copy of Oryx and Crake if you need some pandemic reading. Somewhere, I once had a massive copy of the Stand.

For the life of me I cannot imagine the NCAA March Madness with no spectators.

Good luck to us all.  Wash your hands often. 

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