A squirrel is justbarking chuck, chuck, snort, chuck in the tree behindme. An odd birdtweets out a sound that to my worsening hearing sounds like water falling over rocks on a mountain'sedge. The squirrel is hidden in the tree and I have no idea why or how Ihave aggravatedhim (or her).
These areenjoyablesounds. They are nottelevision. They are not angrypeople. They are not coming from the artifices of humankind. Theyare of the world around me.
After days of rain the grass is as green as itis ever going toget. Mosquitoes are starting toemerge. But it is 8:44 p.m. and there is plenty of light in the sky.
I havetaken this moment towrite. Over the past few days momentsof real writing have been few and far between. On occasion as I walk, I willgrab a snapshotof a interesting door or a goofy carand post that toFacebook. I will add alittle commentary. Facebook postsare not writing. Facebook posts are like saying hello as you pass someone in the hallway.
A walnutjust wailed down upon thedeck. Damn squirrels.
Inthis golden afternoon/coming evening, I want to write about what is in myheart. But what is in my heart has been buried so deep for somany years I wonder if it stillexists. A long time ago therewas electricity thatarced when I thought of ripe watermelon's scentand full red lips. A long time ago I could draw a picture of the naked form of the first woman I ever really loved frommemory. But time spent buryingthose feelingshas dulled the passion.
Lifecontinues on and forsome, passion will always be there. I think of artists and poets whowork into their eightiesand nineties. Maturity was seen in those later works for sure, but the thread of red-hot passion never left theimages. Poets as they grow older write poems that are more complex, but the raging heart is still at the core. I must recapture some of this lightning in abottle. My hand must raise up into the sky daring the jolt to pass through me.
Are there regretsinliving?
Of course there are, my dear.
But are the regrets soprofound as to be unbearable?
Only if you make themso.
Only if you give them such weight.
And we must bear the weight of those lives
That as the years have passed have attached themselves to ours
And fromthose entanglements there are no easy extrications.
And we must bear the weight of ourhearts'desires,
Of our passions not yet dead,
Of our dreams perceived only at the edges
When weareclosestto beingawake in the late evening or early morning,
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