Wednesday, September 21, 2022

And Then the Storm Came

21 September 2022


This place we’ve rented doesn’t have air conditioning. Yesterday the temperature hit 88 and the humidity was about as high as it gets. Fans help but…they don’t take away the energy draining nature of the swamp weather. Felt like swampy South Jersey in the late 1960s.


Went to sleep reading and I had to read a good long time in the clammy air to actually let lethargy take me into the wilderness of weird that is my dreamland. Somewhere between four and five in the morning the storm rolled in.  Perhaps, kicked up would be a better term.  According to Francie the lightning and thunder set upon us closer to four. When it arrived the light and sound spectacular began.  I know I saw a bright flash through my twitching eyelids and I opened my eyes.  The thunder lasted for a good fifteen seconds after that one and after the next one. 


I stayed awake for a little bit listening to the storm roll through.  Apparently my oldest got up and closed all the windows that weren’t protected by balconies. Must have been a good rain before and after my little waking moment (for I fell back asleep quickly), because here it is just turned ten and everything is still wet.


Ah but the best thing, the storm has wrung virtually all of the moisture out of the air.  All our windows are open now and a gentle cool breeze is filling every room in the apartment. Today looks and feels like the best possible of days.  Today I plan to explore a new neighborhood.  Looking for a used coffee table.  We will see if the search pans out.


Wishing you all a fantabulous day. 

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