Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Been Traveling


31 August 2022 (Near Saldahna Metro Lisboa)


Finally, a moment which might be called near normal has arrived.  Been in Lisboa for 9 days now. Our time has been nonstop running, spending, waiting, etc.  Each night we have gone to bed exhausted.  When we awoke, we were still tired. Jet lag encompassed the first few days. Things are improving. 


We are familiars with Ikea and Buy/Sell/Trade Lisbon.  Last Saturday the hotel rooms paid for with points ran out.  Luckily the beds had arrived at the apartmento.  Yesterday the washing machine and the refrigerator got here.  Watching the delivery person carry the washing machine up two flights of stairs on his back was impressive.  Now that the refrigerator is here days will pass without dining out.  Yeah, the wallet rejoices.  Today our first chair arrives, a sofa sleeper.  It will be nice to sit in a chair.


Takes a bit of time to get used to the cycle of life here.  I have been awake for an hour and a half and the city is just beginning to move. This computer on which I am pounding away is on my back deck which is totally in shade. The shade won’t last. 67 F with the merest hint of a breeze.  By midday the deck will no longer be shaded and these bricks the landlord has laid down will heat up like bricks in a wood stove. As God is my witness you will be able to fry and egg out here.  


The deck right now is great for writing.  By midday it will be more than great for drying clothing on the line. When 7 pm comes it will be comfortable to be back out here.  Going to have to pick up an umbrella and a base. Need to expand the time we can be out here.


The pulse of business seems to start between 9”30. The subways and buses are crowded then and most commercial establishments open at ten.  Except for the malls (and there are only a couple of them really) most businesses close down at eight.  Dinner hour is roughly 7 pm to 10 pm and it is assumed you will be spending an hour or more at the table.  


I do not think that I would say I love the neighborhood.  Alternatively, I would say I really like the neighborhood.  So many restaurants, shops, easy access to transport make it a wonderful place to be. Being under the airport flight path where the plans fly so low you can count the bolts on the belly of the fuselage is not as enticing.  But hey, I doubt there is any place in Lisbon where that is not the case. Plenty of parks, plenty of culture and lots to explore.


Oh well, I have to go get some keys made.  Life goes on.



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