Wednesday, August 3, 2022

As I go out walking.

Haven't posted in a bit.  Guess it is time.


I don’t know about the rest of the world, but here in my little enclave of humanity, traffic has never returned to pre-pandemic levels. The flow of cars and trucks is up to about 2/3 of what it used to be on a business day. I’m OK with that. Seeing the lessened number of cars whiz by on Saginaw Avenue, a five-lane wide affair (two each way with a turn lane), I wonder if this diminishment is a true shift in the paradigm of work? Have those 1/3 of the cars stopped traveling to and fro because their drivers are now working from home? Cutting the gas expended and the wear and tear on the infrastructure would be a good thing, good for the drivers, good for the environment.


I mention the lessened traffic because I have noticed the decrease as I head out for my morning walk. Sort of like the reduced number of cars I have returned to a reduced morning walk.  I am taking in about 2/3 of my pre-pandemic walk. My walking pace is constant, about 3 mph. Before the pandemic I would walk for 45 to 50 minutes. These days I’m walking 30 to 35 minutes. It just feels more comfortable.  Yes, I put on some pandemic weight.  Yes, I had some of the pandemic blues.  But on the plus side, this morning I am walking a little faster than usual. Checking the radar on my weather app before I stepped out of the house, I noticed a huge orange blob just slightly north and west of where I live. Kind of implies a strong storm is coming. God knows we can use the rain. Still, I’d like to be back in the house before it gets here.


Personally, I have not really done a deep dive on yesterday’s primaries. However, it seems clear that some election deniers did win their primary races. About the best news was the Kansas vote on abortion, roughly 60% to 40% in favor of leaving abortion a constitutional right in Kansas. I find that a pretty amazing number. Given Kansas’s conservative nature, the result probably should give the Republicans nationwide pause on their efforts to outlaw abortion and to put women back in the 1950s. I frequently shake my head wondering what has brought us to this point.


Some of the bright blossoms of summer are fading into the dusty dusky colors of fall. Still much of the vibrancy of the season is on display. One of the best things about walking in the morning is to see these plants and their flowers awash with bright yellows, reds and pinks. The explosion of color gives me an emotional up for the beginning of my day. I so love the flowers rebound everywhere in my neighborhood.


One way or another I’ll be leaving this neighborhood in about two weeks. I’ll either be going to Portugal with a visa or without. My hope is that the mail brings the documents I need for a longer stay overseas. No guarantees in life. No easy fixes for anything. Take a moment.  Enjoy the flowers.


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