Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sunday's Promises in the Midwinter

 The greatest gift we give each other is that we become a mirror of goodness. When we see the goodness in others, we call it forward.


Tara Brach


Sunday has arrived in mid-Michigan.  The air is warmer than yesterday; temperatures will reach 30F.  Clear blue stretches from one horizon to the other. Yeah it is good news today will be 12-15 degrees warmer than yesterday. 

Slept in today rolling out of the sack at about 9 AM.  Went downstairs and cleaned up the kitchen. Dishes and pan were in the sink from last night’s meal. I said I would clean them before bed but it didn’t happen, blame it on lazy husband syndrome. 

Had convinced my wife to make an Iranian dish, an egg drop lentil soup.  “Twas tasty but not tasty enough. The broth needed something to brighten the flavor, a few drops of fresh lemon helped but nevertheless fell short. Still the soup was filling and warm on a cold winter day.  My wife is a wonderful and creative cook. 


Yesterday was a day of loss.  First thing in the morning ran down to metro Detroit for a memorial service for the beloved wife of one of my best mates.  With Covid-19 running rampant I wasn’t going to stay for the full service but I did have to let him know how important he was to me and how I wished I could do something to help with his pain.  We talked for just a few minutes and we hugged. He truly loved her and she him.


After I cleaned up downstairs today, I made the coffee-one pot regular, one pot decaf. I then put on the soft jazz that is my tradition/ritual for Sunday mornings and made some waffles. Chocolate chip waffles with raspberries can drive the sad and dour malaise out from my soul most any day.


In a few minutes I will set out for a forty-minute walk.  I will put some jam band music on my headphones and walk most of my normal summer route. Passing each yard on my circuit I will again read the front yards signs.  Messages like, “Black Lives Matter”, “Love is Love”, and “Hate Has No Home Here”, dot the yards. Each yard I pass has a beautiful garden simply waiting for a spate of warm days to explode in blooms of bright colors. Doing this walk for years now I have come to appreciate the rhythms of the seasons as each yard experiences them.


The quote that opens this post came to me form a Buddhist publication this morning.  Does it really matter if it is Buddhist or behaviorist or Baptist? If we acknowledge the good acts, the good traits in others, can it do anything but reinforce to those people that the good they are showing deserves to be seen more? Return goodness for goodness, kindness for kindness. Maybe this week I will be able to put this into my daily regimen.


Have a good Sunday.  Say your prayers or burn your sage. But above all be kind.


A Little Bit of Rainy Day Tourism Fiction

  [The writing prompts for today were twofold. Start a story with an apology. End a story with a question. I did both.] "Sorry" ...