Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Omicron (or it is long past time to be kind)



Christmas is over.  Time to move on to other things.

With the coming of the villainous Omicron the Effective Transmitter, we are all at incredible risk of Covid-19.  Based on government statistics Michigan (where I live) has had 17.5 % of its population come down with the disease already.  This is mind boggling. For every million people infected here 3,000 have died. And the vast majority of the deaths have come among the unvaccinated.


Vaccines, masks, social distancing and testing, these are tools that if used will control the disease.  Obtaining an N95 mask is no longer onerous or expensive.  Is it really a denial of your liberty to wear one in public for the good of the community?  Masking up is the simplest way to carry out the responsibility of your citizenship, that bit about not harming others.  I would hope that you get a vaccine because I believe science supports their broad efficacy and limited risk. But if you won’t get the jabs, at least wear the damn mask. If you feel the slightest bit sick don’t go to public spaces like grocery stores, malls and houses of worship. These things are common sense. These things are common courtesy. 

Stats come from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

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