Monday, December 28, 2020

Icy Patterns on the Sidewalks

28 December 2020,

The first Monday morning after Christmas and I’m out for my walk. No surprise there.  ‘Tis a little bit tricky for the pedestrian. Yesterday the temperature warmed up a bit and all the snow cover on the roads and sidewalks melted. However, while it did warm up, it didn’t warm up a great deal. Thus, the melt water on the sidewalks did not evaporate. Today the sidewalks, especially the older greyer squares, have a mottled pattern with the darker portions being ice. Slipped a couple of times already. The ice is forcing me to walk on the berms or out in the street where the macadam is sufficiently warm to evaporate off the moisture.

 Christmas decorations are still up everywhere. Me, I’m guessing that they’re going to be up for several weeks after the start of the new year. People desperately need a little joy. Twinkling lights, wreaths, garlands and even inflatable Homer Simpson in a Santa suit covey some joy in this drear year.


I plan to do my whole traditional morning walk route this day. Foot after foot hitting the ground will take me up and down all through my neighborhood. Right now, it is taking me past the winter bound fen by the Glencairn school. Browns and grays, the colors of late December, prevail.


On an ancillary holiday note I did come up with one winning gift for one of my sons. I ordered heavy down comforters and covers for both my young men. The youngest has taking to using his like a cocoon sleeping bag. When I glance into his room all I can see is a few fingers of one hand curled up outside the top of the comforter. Ah the joy of being enveloped by the warmth of down on a cold winter’s day.


Not much on my podcasts this morning that wasn’t news at 8:30 last night. The President signed the relief bill. The man who blew up the RV in Asheville has been identified and looks to have been a lone wolf. Europe is rolling out the vaccines. For the most part these are all good bits of news. Nothing earth shaking in any of the stories but good news anyhow. For the world where it stands today any good news is a win.

Yeah, I have posted this link before but it is a perfect song for a grey Monday.

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