On recent outings with my omelet pan I have surprised myself with my ability to properly flip the combined eggs, milk, prosciutto, and cheddar. Flipping omelets makesthem so much prettierwhen I servethem to my family forbreakfast. What Iplateno longer looks like a cross between an omelet and an egg scramble. The taste isthe same, but the aestheticsaremuch,much better.
How Icame to beable to do this is through seeing some accurate information embedded in a fictional recounting of Julia Child’s foray into publictelevision. Seeing one of the characters trying to master the omelet flip I suddenly understood what wasrequired. The motion isnot unlike jerking a fishing line to set thehook. My wife suggestedI finally figured this out and actuallyexecutedit because men have inherently stronger wrists because of the unique exercise regimen webegin in our adolescent years.
These days information comes at us from countlessdirections. Trueknowledge on the other hand has to be sought out and tested. We all have tools to winnow out trueknowledge, ranging from trial-and-error testing to using logic to evaluate what we are looking at.As I glance across the pond, logic seems to be in short supply these days but that is a topic for a different post.
With the knowledge of omelet flipping now in mymind, I am unsureof whether I will be required to jettison some other fact, technique ormemory to keep it in there. There is so much stored up inmy brain's engrams that isuseless. I mean I canremember in detail lunchconversations from my senior year in high school when Isat with Dave, Kathy, and Barbara.However, I have lost my ability to correctly tie a bow tie. Most likely I had to give up that skill when Ilearned exactly how much liquid I could packin my carry-on luggage.
My age will be 68 in thirtydays'time. With each day my awareness of how small I am and how tiny my existence is in the grand scheme of things grows. Mybrain compared to the universe is minuscule.Attached is a photo from the James Webbtelescope. It shows the Helix Nebula which is 700 light yearsaway. The nebula is made up of stars and entire galaxies.
Think about 700 light years for a moment. A light year is 6 trillion miles/9 trillion km. On the mileage side that is a 6 with 12 zeros behind it. A trillionis 1,000billion. Counting continuously in perfect rhythm, one number per second, without breaks for sleeping, and eating it would take 31 years, 251 days, 6 hours, 50 minutes, 46 seconds toreach a mere billion.I don't have time to count toa billion.In addition, I do not currently have the cognitive capacity left in mybrain to be able to comprehend a billion. Yeah, the distance to the Helix Nebula is alotbigger than the space in my brain.
With time running out on my existence I guess thebestthing I can do is try and make sure what is in my head is knowledge that is factual andreal. I think it also means admitting what I don’t know and being blunt about it. When onegoes to law school one of the core maxims taught is that when youare caught unaware in a courtroom without case law orgoodfacts, you are to stand up, ‘…and make a noise like a lawyer.” Living in these latter years of my life a lawyer's bluster and braggadocio are useless. I think in reality looking for the factual and real is an absolute necessity for a continued meaningful existence.
I guess what I am trying to sayis that makingpeace with the fact that I will never be the smartest person in theroom and that I am reallyjust mere filler in the universe isokay.Having a limited understanding of something is not a sign of weakness, nor is it a sign of weakness to admit that we do not know everything. Instead, it is an opportunity for growth. Such an admission allows us to approach the world with humility andcuriosity. Best to keep breathing and look at the world with childlike wonder while occasionally learningsome newtrick,say flipping omelets.
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