Saturday, September 2, 2023

Tall Ships


Last we needed to take an explore.  Upcoming is a tall ship race that is starting from the Port of Lisbon.  We wanted to see the tall ships. We walked to the subway.  Took a subway to the train.  Took the train to Alcantara Mar.  Turns out it was one stop too far to actually see the ships at dock.


But wow what a restaurant scene.  Located under the 25 de Abril Bridge suspension bridge the row of restaurants was packed to the gills. (Yes, it is a seafood pun tied to the fact that these are almost entirely seafood restaurants). We walked around and gawked and watched the crowds pour in and then caught the train back to the Santos stop where the ships actually were docked.


Again, despite having been here a year I was surprised at the very vibrant, very active bar and restaurant scene down along the Rio Tejo. The stroll from Santos to the ferry/subway/streetcar/train stop at Cais do Sodre is a short, pleasant and vibrant walk. 


We found the tall ships at dock awaiting the race.  We saw one of the ship’s crews returning from wandering about Lisbon.  We saw people watching the set and fade.  We saw the outstretched arms of Jesus blessing the river and its denizens. 


The light along the river is amazing.  If you get a chance you need to take a wander down along the Tejo as the day is fading.  Hey grab a pint or a gin and tonic and let the day fade away as colors of orange and indigo bleed across the river’s waters and the western sky.

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