Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Assumption Day or Back on my Feet in Lisboa


Sunrise 8 miles high and 500 miles from the coast of Portugal

East Lansing to Lisboa, twenty hours door to door. Flight time was a little over 6 3/4ths hours all told. Fastest flight across the Atlantic ever for us, 5-3/4ths hours. Travel time, flight time, whatever, it is a whole different world we live in here reached after less than a full day of travel.

I had forgotten when I scheduled our return every single small store owner is out of town in August. Walking around I saw a great many of the small coffee shops are closed. Rush hour is very damped down in terms of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Kind of nice to have the city moving slow when I am moving slow. Today in Lisboa is especially quiet being a holiday, Assumption Day.

Pushed myself all day yesterday to stay awake and active. In an attempt to avoid jet lag. When I finally hit bed, I fell so deeply into sleep that I did not hear the garbage collection that happens each night at midnight and one AM. 

Woke up early. Body of course thought it was noon when I rolled out of bed at seven to the morning’s softly glowinglight. Francie was deep into the dream zone so I quietly set about my tasks. A great number of our plants had been moved around so as to make it easier on our friends who were watering them to take care of that task. They did a splendid job mind you, but the plants needed to be back in their places.

Started a load of laundry.  Went to two super mercados to get bread, milk, eggs, sandwich meats, and a variety of otherstaples. Cleaned out the refrigerator wiping down all the shelves and drawers before stashing the new groceries. Brewedice tea, brewed coffee. Took Francie coffee and an apple pastry as she was waking up in bed. Hung the laundry on the line.

Today in Lisboa is warm but it is enjoyable.  Going to head out shortly for a quick lunch.  We are back in Lisboa; we are back in the rhythm and pace of life that can be lived joyfully.

Given the vacant city streets today this seemed like a good musical coda.

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