Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday Afternoon Report from Lisboa


 Not my cars, Not my monkeys.


23 February 2023


Air got cool and windy today.  No rain though.  If you stayed on the sunlit side of the major avenues, you were warm enough with a sweatshirt and a light jacket.  At least that was enough to keep me warm. Again, people here were wearing parkas.


I didn’t range too far afield today.  Picked up a new monitor and as I was installing it a cable tipped over my coffee cup.  Dirty brown water everywhere on the desk top.  Grabbed a bathroom towel, it was nearby and the situation was dire, set out sopping up.  Having wiped all this decaf coffee up with a super fluffy absorbent towel I felt inclined to wash it and whatever other laundry was about. Given the coolness of the air I had not planned to wash today but there really wasn’t any other choice.


Luckily the monitor nor the guts of the computer got wet.  Mostly there were a few drops here and there on the equipment and I got to the big puddle on the desk quick enough with the towel to prevent real disaster.  


Why a new monitor?  Hmmh. Well, old eyes suffer using a small laptop screen, they just do.  Now I have the monitor hooked up and it is so much better for the blind as a bat geezer that I am. I also have a wireless keyboard and it makes the experience just so much easier. Maybe I will write more.  Maybe, it could happen.


So, after I got everything set up and posted some of my black and white photos on Mastodon, I took the wet load of laundry to the self-serve lavandaria. Like most people in Portugal, we have a washing machine that takes 3 hours to do a load of laundry. But, also like the majority of the population here we don’t have a dryer except for the cloths lines attached to the back of the apartment and the drying rack we put out on the deck.  When it is too cold to dry things off, I go to the self-serve.


Anyway, I dropped my two euros in the machine, the machine gave me two euros and change back and started to run.  Maybe the universe has started to balance out.  This serendipitous turn of events makes up for about four two-euro coins of mine this machine simply ate.  What’s next?  Are long missing socks just going to appear in dried loads of laundry? I will keep you posted as I await the next miracle.


Sorry about the bad weather back there.  Hope it clears up quickly.

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