Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Promised Dedicated Work Station

I have not created a blog post in a bit.  At current we are halfway through our Portuguese adventure. We have now arrived in Lagos, Portugal after leaving Olhao.  Train ride took about 2 ¾ hours.  Cab took about half an hour to get to the station and a half an hour to get to the place due to Google maps discombobulation.  Downhill the train station is about 20 minutes away.  Uphill, well I don’t even want to contemplate that.


Truth be told I really, really loved Olhao.  It was a working seaport with tourist beaches and restaurants appended to it. Must be my blue color upbringing, I don’t mind the smell of fish and brine.  I don’t mind old men in wife beater t-shirts drinking beer at noon.  And I do like unpretentious dives with good pastries.


But Lagos.  Wow.  The place we rented is very, very nice.  A pool.  A marble staircase.  Four bedrooms two with their own baths.  A veranda.  Loads of plants including lime trees and rosemary everywhere. When I got up this morning the sun was starting to explode across the eastern sky above the ocean.  The temperature today will reach 80F but this morning it is 60.  Slept with the windows open last night and slept well.


Right now, I believe I am working from the dedicated work space.  Uh, I think I could work from this dedicated work space from now until the cows come home. In a day or two some friends will join us to share the space. Hanging out in an alabaster neighborhood drinking gin and tonics will probably be as nice as nice can be. More soon.


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