Saturday, April 3, 2021

Warm Spring Breeze on Holy Saturday

 3 April 2021


Early April arrived when we were all looking back at winter. Today’s spring sunshine so warm and golden makes aging bones feel so very good. This spring afternoon on the northern tier just feels so bright. Dogs with ears flapping behind hang their heads out the windows of speeding minivans and jeeps. Bassett hound tongues loll out of the sides of their mouths as they unabashedly love the ride.


Clean clear air moves so very slightly. Standing out in shirt sleeves you feel warm. Voices can be heard from nearby rising and falling in no discernable pattern. Many voices are being carried on the slightest of breezes. These are sounds from the before times. These blending voices are reminiscent of the what used to be.  Hope they have all be vaccinated, hope they are all distanced, and hope they are all masked. These voices mark a change not only of season but of heart and experience.


Glances either way up and down the street reveal concerned homeowners taking advantage of the day. People are bending over picking up fallen moss-stained branches. Brown bags make crinkly sounds as twigs and sticks and rotting leaves are pushed in and down to await pickup by a municipal truck.  This first spate of yardwork in the spring is a joy because just like the voices it feels of hope.


Today is Holy Saturday.  Per that book the crypt was quiet and still occupied on this day.  Like a chrysalis produces a beautiful butterfly tradition holds that the stone and hewn rock incubated and then released great hope, great joy. Let a warm spring day provide us the promise of joys to come.  You must believe in spring.  You simply must.

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