Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Five hundred thousand people are now dead (at a minimum) from Covid-19 in the United States. Out of our population of three hundred and twenty-eight million this number comprises about a fifth of one percent of the population.  This seems like a small number, a small percentage, but…. 

People dying from this disease tend to be older, more likely grandparents than not.  Given the roughly two kids per family we have here in the U.S. you are talking about people who were important to a spouse or partner, to two kids and most likely to four grandkids. A single death’s impact thus touches about three and a half million additional folks. Assuming each of the dead had two close friends, friends they would have coffee with, folks they would vacation with, people who were their children’s godparents, you are adding in another million people impacted very directly, very viscerally. In one year, we have had one percent of the population directly touched by death from this malignant virus. I am not even talking about those who live, the long termers, the permanently incapacitated


Covid-19 deaths in one year have exceeded about ten years of America’s deaths from automobile accidents. Covid deaths have outdistanced the deaths from multiple of our nation’s most horrific war loses. The numbers are gut churning.  The reality is unnerving and sobering,


I am not going to lay blame for this on anyone.  Others do that all the time. What I am going to do is say there do appear to be good things on the horizon.  The vaccines are starting to get out there. What else I am going to say is that while we wait to be vaccinated let us continue to practice, although we are so very tired of these practices, the best health preventive measures.  Mask, distance, isolate for a little while longer. We owe it to each other as citizens of this great country.  We owe it to each other as decent human beings. We have the willpower to do the right things.

1 comment:

  1. The 2020 death rate was not significantly higher compared to previous years. Using CDC data, as of December 22, 2020 the total death count from all causes was 2,835,533. Compare that number to 2,854,838 (2019) and 2,839,205 (2018). wanted And here is the latest info.

    From , All Cause Total Death Rate for 2020 (provisional, data as of 2-19-21) is 3,352,084. From 2019 death count is 2,854,838. 3,352,084 – 2,854,838 = 544,820 more deaths than 2019. Since population increases every year, what is the change in the death rate? From ,

    US population for 2020 is 331,002,651. 3,352,084 / 331,002,651 = 1.013% died in 2020. , 2019 death rate was 869.7 deaths per 100,000 or 0.870%. 1.013% - 0.870% = 0.143% increase in death rate from 2019 to 2020. Accurate information regarding the death rate may well be one of the most important tools we have in helping alert others to the misinformation and deception crisis in which we find ourselves. To be clear, the misinformation and deception crisis is being more clarified every day; it is the discrepancy between what we are being told via the news vehicles, which are no longer balanced and objective, and real science, which is being repressed. Checking and providing references is a powerful way for you to stand behind what you share with people now. We are the journalists now, and we are empowered by discerning and declaring the truth.


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